> Linus,
> Please include this patch into a future distribution. It fixes a long-time
> TCP Stall problem that occurs when routing between high-speed and low-speed
> links like Ethernet and PPP.
> This patch was provided by another, but tested extensively by me. I deleted
> his name and text while cutting out this simple patch. I lost his name....
> Sorry, it's a very good fix and he should get credit for it....
> I got 2.1.33 up but it crashes my SMP machine. I'll keep you advised. I
> think it's probably "finding" some hardware that doesn't exist. I will
> reconfigure it and check further tommorrow.
> Cheers,
> Dick Johnson
> DQotLS0gbGludXgtMi4xLjMyL25ldC9pcHY0L3RjcF9pbnB1dC5jLm9yaWcJ
> TW9uIEFwciAgNyAyMzoyNzoyOCAxOTk3ICsrKw0KbGludXgvbmV0L2lwdjQv
> dGNwX2lucHV0LmMJTW9uIEFwciAgNyAyMzoyNzo1MCAxOTk3DQpAQCAtNzM5
> LDcgKzczOSw3IEBADQogDQogCQkJd2hlbiA9IHRwLT5ydG8gLSAoamlmZmll
> cyAtIHNrYi0+d2hlbik7DQogDQotCQkJaWYgKHdoZW4gPD0gMCkNCisJCQlp
> ZiAoc2stPnJldHJhbnNtaXRzKQ0KIAkJCXsNCiAJCQkJdHAtPnJldHJhbnNf
This few lines do not need any mimencoding:
--- linux-2.1.32/net/ipv4/tcp_input.c.orig Mon Apr 7 23:27:28 1997 +++
linux/net/ipv4/tcp_input.c Mon Apr 7 23:27:50 1997
@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@
when = tp->rto - (jiffies - skb->when);
- if (when <= 0)
+ if (sk->retransmits)
tp->retrans_head = NULL;