Re: [Fwd: Linux]
Thu, 24 Apr 1997 08:38:54 +0000 (GMT)
On 22 Apr, Theodore Y. Ts'o muttered something vague about:
> From: amu@MIT.EDU (Aaron M. Ucko)
> Date: 19 Apr 1997 12:04:13 -0400
> Linux supports full System V IPC. However, it does not, and probably
> never will, support TLI or STREAMS because both are inefficient
> without severe abstraction-barrier breakage.
> Just to make sure everyone understands this issue....
I understood by the second time, I didn't need the other 7 copies ;-).
Vger seems to be spitting out multiple copies again. I'm on
linux-kernel-digest, if that helps....
Chris Ricker