1. I can use irqtune?
# irqtune
irqtune: setting system IRQ priority to 3/14
irqtune: insmod failed on '/usr/lib/hwtools/irqtune_mod.o'
2. The lp0 is now the port 0x378 and with parport is used in polling.
I want to use the lp0 with IRQ 7. (Without parport I run
"tunelp/dev/lp0 -i 7" but with parport don't work).
3. pppd return
Apr 24 17:33:37 arca kernel: ppp0 UP fl=00000051 pa=95A4B8C2/FFFFFFFF brd=00000000 dst=81A4B8C2
Apr 24 17:33:37 arca kernel: pppd forgot to specify route netmask.
How can resolve these problems?
Thanks in advance!
Andrea Arcangeli
HomePage: http://www.imola.queen.it/user/arcangeli/
Debian Mirror: ftp://dida43.deis.unibo.it/pub/debian/
Debian GNU
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