On Sun, 27 Apr 1997, David Williams wrote:
> In message <Pine.HPP.3.94.970426174342.20756A-100000@emmy.smith.edu>,
> Michael Callahan <mjc@stelias.com> writes
> >
> >I agree with what Alan, David and others have said about 1000s of threads
> >being the wrong answer to the question--essentially no matter what the
> >question is. (This is assuming you don't have a machine with 1000s of
> >CPUs!)
> >
> Exactly - If you only have 5 CPUs you can only ever have 5 threads
> actively run on CPUs at the same time. Perhaps a few more to handle
> disk I/O, one if you use Kernel Asyncchronous I/O and a few to handle
> network actively, Informix RBBMS recommond one per 200-300 users i.e.
> clients.
> Why have more??
Well, why not extrapolate that idea even more? You can only have one
process per processor, so what's the point of multi-processing (beyond the
number of physical processors you have). Why not use a sophisticated
event scheduler, and ... wait, someone thought like this long ago on Intel
platforms, and created a not-so-attractive GUI based on their thoughts.
> --
> David Williams
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