> > I hear Solaris/x86 is selling like hot cakes these days anyways, so we
> > have a lot to worry about it seems... 8-)
> ROTFL - it's the only OS that crashes faster that light. The extra memory
> needed for that VM hogs plus the time and money wasted to debug typical
> PC problems would have bought lots of Ultras plus toys ... So far I
> believe Solaris/x86 was one of the worse decissions made here at the
> university ...
> Ralf
Didn't Sun buy that stuff from "Interactive" when they went out of
business? Or was it SCO? It is mostly a BSD Hack I was told. Maybe
not. It would be interesting to look at the source and see if the
kernel code was copied verbatum.... in particular the signal stuff.
All three seem to have the same "BSD bug" of sending a signal on select()
and alarm() before the call to select() or alarm() returns.
Dick Johnson
Richard B. Johnson
Project Engineer
Analogic Corporation
Voice : (508) 977-3000 ext. 3754
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Email : rjohnson@analogic.com, johnson@analogic.com
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