Given that we've just released an alpha of Intel Linux emulation for
Alpha Linux (pardon the pun) allowing you to run Intel Linux binaries
such as Applix/Netscape, I wonder how much work Solaris emulation on
Alpha Linux would be?
Also, as a side note, our company strategy towards Linux on Alpha is
to embrace it. It poses no real threat to Digital Unix, our experience
is that we have made board/system sales because of Linux that we would
not have made otherwise. Selling Alpha Linux systems has sometimes
leveraged sales of Digital Unix servers. It really is a win-win
situation for us.
Linux is a good little operating system (I always liked the phrase
'the operating system that could'). It may be going through a few
growing pains (eg 2.0.* stability issues) but those can be fixed, and
they are _growing_ pains and not _shrinking_ pains...
David A Rusling Principal Engineer
European Semiconductor Applications Digital Equipment Co Ltd.,
Engineering PO Box 121,
Imperial Way,
Worton Grange
Reading RG2 0TU
Linux, Alpha, StrongArm, PCI Tel: UK-(0)1734-204380
Fax: UK-(0)1734-203133