Re: 'black list' in drivers/block/ide_modes.h is broken
Steffen Grunewald (
Wed, 30 Apr 1997 14:26:40 +0200 (MET DST)
"Michal Jankowski writes"
|> Due to the way a disk name is compared to the 'black list', some
|> perfectly good new hard drives are mistakenly recognized as old,
|> broken, blacklisted ones.
|> For example, "WDC 21200H" will match a (blacklisted) "WDC 2120",
|> because only as many characters as are present in a blacklisted name
|> are checked.
|> The offending line of code is:
|> if (strncmp(p->name, model, strlen(p->name)) == 0)
|> No, I don't know what the proper fix might be 8-)
|> MJ
Given (yet to prove) that the device id ends with a blank, adding a blank
to each blacklist entry would help. Dunno whether there are blacklisted
devices whose name was cut at a non-blank character...
Steffen Grunewald | email | fax (+49)-331-8877 520
GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, Telegrafenberg A17, D-14473 Potsdam, Germany
/* Disclaimer : I don't speak for my employers, they don't speak for me */