Re: Dropping a.out support (fwd)
Marko Siladin (
Fri, 2 May 1997 09:19:48 -0400 (EDT)
> > > Would not any serious commercial vendor have a new ELF release of
> > > there product, more than 2 years after it has been introduced?
> >
> > obviously not. and even if they would do so, you can't assume that
> > every user will upgrade to their newest release (probably paying again $$$)
> > just to get ELF binaries because Linux no longer supports a.out...
> I second Harald. I'm running a "distribution" that is 99% home brewn
> on my Intel machine and still have a couple of old a.out execs on my
> disk. For some of them I don't even have the source around anymore
> and dropping a.out which to maintain is a simple task would bring
> me into some minor trouble, too.
> Ralf
I third :) it. I'm running 2.1.36 and my system is still not 100% ELF.
I working on cleaning it up but I still have some a.out stuff (like an
HP 48 emulattor and other programs that I don't use every day)
So if it is not too big of a hassle I wouldn't drop a.out right now. But
a time will come when a.out will vanish (just like my mountain of 5.25"
(O) ^ ^ (O)
Marko Siladin | | | VCU, Dept. of Math. Science \ / Division of Computer Science