Re: This thread is silly (Re: Dropping a.out support)

Paul H. Hargrove (hargrove@sccm.Stanford.EDU)
Sat, 3 May 1997 01:02:56 -0700 (PDT)

Gerd Knorr writes:
> >The bigest complication (again IMHO) is the necessity of keeping both
> >old and new versions in /lib.
> This is required only for *real old* a.out binaries (< libc 4.4.4 or so),
> which have the libc path hardcoded.

The a.out libraries such as libc and libm can be relocated to
something like /usr/i486-linuxaout/lib. However the discussion was
about Unless I am missing something must be in /lib.
After all isn't it that searches for libc?

Paul H. Hargrove                   All material not otherwise attributed         is the opinion of the author or a typo.