> Dick Johnson writes:
> -----
> Version 2.1.39 has problems with characters being echoed. For example:
> Script started on Wed May 21 20:35:58 1997
> # cat
> ^q^r^s4^u678^y^p <--- what is echoed
> 1234567890 <--- what I typed.
> -----
> This is caused by the phenomenon I already discussed:
> free_initmem() frees too much and overwrites your kernel memory.
> In this case it is the array ctype[] that is among the victims,
> which means that the tty driver thinks that you are typing control
> characters.
> Never use such a kernel! It is dangerous! Also other variables
> will be overwritten, and random corruption will result.
> Solution:
> Do both (i) and (ii):
> (i) apply my patch to free_initmem() (or just comment it out)
> (ii) get recent binutils
> Either (i) or (ii) will suffice, and, as Linus announced, (ii) will
> be required later for other reasons as well, but just to protect
> the innocent, I think (i) should be done regardless [in the official
> kernel source tree] - it is too dangerous to have a kernel that seems
> to work well, while after some time random corruption sets in,
> just because last year's ld was used.
> Andries
Well I have the latest binutils installed!! binutils- with many of
the source and 'build` file dates in April of this year! Do these things
get changed weekly?
Dick Johnson
Richard B Johnson
Project Engineer
Analogic Corporation
Voice : (508) 977-3000 ext. 3754
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FTP : ftp@boneserver.analogic.com
Email : rjohnson@analogic.com, johnson@analogic.com
Penguin : Linux version 2.1.40 on an i586 machine (66.36 BogoMips).
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