> > For now the `loop' device already supports "offset" option but "size"
> > is determined in drivers/block/loop.c/figure_loop_size() automagically.
> > When the size option will be added to `loop', you can losetup /dev/hda
> > to /dev/loop0 appropriately. The only problem remains the ugly
> > drivers/block/loop.c/transfer_none()/memcpy().
> As I'm working on the loop driver now, could everyone please let me know
> _exactly_ what they want. Thanks.
How about mounting subdirs through loop driver ?!
/somewhere/in/hd/space on /somewhere/else
Or am I talking offtopic here !?
-- Mario Mikocevic (Mozgy) mozgy@zesoi.fer.hr |/-\| lschk error : FUBR !