> >I tend to agree here. Unless the feed can be restricted to people with a
> >certified clue, I tend to be against such a one way feed. I have enough
> >problems with the fuckwits at agis.net as it is without having to deal
> >with other, admittidly lesser, spamming idiots.
> If it's a one-way feed, it could be set up to mangle headers so that
> only a human can figure them out. Rot13 the from: address, or put
> spaces in it, or anything along those lines.
I disagree very strongly about this. Why should we go through a lot of
trouble? Just configure procmail/sendmail to drop everything from
cyberpromo and other known spammers, have it automatically send a
compliant to their respective isp:s, etc.
We for one _will_ maintain a pure mail->news gateway, although we may or
may not restrict access the the linux.* hierarcy.