Re: UseNet Gateway One Way ok?
Dave Wreski (
Sat, 24 May 1997 16:19:29 -0400 (EDT)
On Sun, 25 May 1997, Peter Svensson wrote:
> I disagree very strongly about this. Why should we go through a lot of
> trouble? Just configure procmail/sendmail to drop everything from
> cyberpromo and other known spammers, have it automatically send a
> compliant to their respective isp:s, etc.
It sure would be easy to have procmail drop everything from cyberpromo,
but I get spam like or some other unknown address...
> We for one _will_ maintain a pure mail->news gateway, although we may or
> may not restrict access the the linux.* hierarcy.
Would using something dejanews, instead of usenet, change things at all?