Re: SMP=1, #procs=1 supported?

Wojtek Piecek (
Mon, 26 May 1997 19:24:40 +0200 (MET DST)

On Mon, 26 May 1997, David Woodhouse wrote:

> I got this with my Tyan Tomcat II, when my processors got fried by a pair of
> dodgy fans, and I had to run with a single borrowed one for a while.
> Changing the jumper on the motherboard to single-CPU mode made no difference.
> In my case, the kernel crashed as soon as it tried to activate the second CPU,
> I think. It was a few months ago, though.


I got this same on my PC in work. I have this same board with one Pentium
133, kernel 2.1.40 detect two processors (sic!) and in /proc/cpuinfo show
(stupid) info about second processor (f.e. cpu x86 :-))

But, newer crash ...

Best regards,

   __   _
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