Hello Peter, Try dmeag > filename
then vi filename to get rid of everything but the Oops.On Sat, 31 May 1997, Peter Enderborg wrote:
> I have problems to log kernel Oops. I got them on the text console.
> But ksymoops should have them from a file. What file , and how
> should I get the logs there ? Im using syslogd version 1.3-0
> and klogd version 1.3-0. (Slackware 96). In my /etc/syslog.conf
> i have an entry like
> *.* /usr/adm/all.log
> And still no oops in that log. (Or any other log)
> Is there any FAQ about oops ? It must be some magic to log
> filesystems oops in the oops log !?
>Hth, JimL
| James W. Laferriere - Network Engineer - babydr@nwrain.net |
| System Techniques - 25416 - 22nd S. - Kent, WA 98032 |
| Give me VMS -or- Give me Linux -but- only on AXP |
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It not that easy. The system is not running. Is a Oops that stops
my machine! -- foo!