> I hate to continue to beat this subject into the ground, but exactly what are
> SCSI hard drives considered to the superior to IDE? According to the fellow
> who wrote "Upgrading and Repairing PCs" (who, as a PC technician, I don't
> wholly trust), SCSI hard disks a mostly IDE disks with an additional SCSI
> interface, (ie, the head-disk-assembly is the same, and most of the control
> electronics.) Does SCSI provide additional commands which permit finer
> tuning and/or error prevention/correction than IDE?
> It seems to be generally considered that SCSI is superior to IDE, but from
> this guy's writing (excepting for multiple devices on the SCSI bus or really
> fast HDs) SCSI provides no benefit. Pls. someone cursorily clarify.
Master/slave a couple of ide drives on a single interface. Mirror
them under NetWare. Watch the performance suck badly. Replace with
scsi. Be happy. (it's just an example that is very dramatic with
Eric Hoeltzel
p.s. or you can put them on two separate interfaces (duplexing)
Be happy cheaper... replace netware with mars_nwe... be very happy.