> > > Better scroll back in the kernel would be useful for scrolling back to see
> > > bootup messages...which screen can't help with. It would also be nice to
> > > be able to have scrollback without VGA, i.e. in servers with hercules
> > > clone mono cards.
> > To get the bootup messages: dmesg
> I see you haven't had a lot of kernel debug messages coming your way...
Take an SMP kernel, compile in drivers for a few devices...a SCSI card or
two, ethernet, a selection of SCSI devices, etc., especially things like
the Buslogic driver (16 or so lines of bootup info!), and the kernel
message buffer runs out of space real quick.
Jon Lewis <jlewis@fdt.net> | Unsolicited commercial e-mail will
Network Administrator | be proof-read for $199/message.
Florida Digital Turnpike |
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