> Bad if clause at line 146(drivers/net/Config.in):[ -f
> ../drivers/net/soundmodem/sm_afsk2666.c ]; then
> make[1]: *** [kconfig.tk] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/andrea/devel/linux/scripts'
> make: *** [xconfig] Error 2
> I think tkparse must be upgraded to know the sense of [ -f filename ]
> option or the drivers/net/Config.in [2.1.43] patch must be changed.
On last Thursday, I sent a mail regarding this to Linus(a about the
pre-rel), so it looks like it didn't went trough:
I wrote on Thu, 12 Jun 1997 22:11:28 +0200 (MEST)
> To: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@transmeta.com>
> Subject: [note:]pre-patch-2.1.43.gz: the "if [ -f"'s in drivers/net/Config.in
> are breaking xconfig and menuconfig(menuconfig is also broken by the new
> string Commands, but for this it should be good to implement it.).
> I think the "if [ -f "-clause is doable with xconfig, but I don't think
> it is worth it. I would like to suggest to take the following patch before
> releasing 2.1.34, which simply comments in the both lines, so they can
> simply be activated when anybody wants:
Do get it to www.linuxhq.com, I insert the patch in here in it's sane form:
--- ../pre-2.1.43/drivers/net/Config.in Thu Jun 12 00:48:29 1997
+++ drivers/net/Config.in Thu Jun 12 21:33:51 1997
@@ -143,12 +143,8 @@
bool 'Soundmodem support for 2400 baud AFSK modulation (8MHz crystal)' CONFIG_SOUNDMODEM_AFSK2400_8
bool 'Soundmodem support for 4800 baud HAPN-1 modulation' CONFIG_SOUNDMODEM_HAPN4800
bool 'Soundmodem support for 9600 baud FSK G3RUH modulation' CONFIG_SOUNDMODEM_FSK9600
- if [ -f drivers/net/soundmodem/sm_afsk2666.c ]; then
- bool 'Soundmodem support for 2666 baud AFSK modulation' CONFIG_SOUNDMODEM_AFSK2666
- fi
- if [ -f drivers/net/soundmodem/sm_psk4800.c ]; then
- bool 'Soundmodem support for 4800 baud PSK modulation' CONFIG_SOUNDMODEM_PSK4800
- fi
+ #bool 'Soundmodem support for 2666 baud AFSK modulation' CONFIG_SOUNDMODEM_AFSK2666
+ #bool 'Soundmodem support for 4800 baud PSK modulation' CONFIG_SOUNDMODEM_PSK4800
tristate 'STRIP (Metricom starmode radio IP)' CONFIG_STRIP
> This still doesn't fix menuconfig(due to the new string command),
> but xconfig works.
Probaby I may find some time write the support for xconfig,
it should be doable.
-- Bernhard Kaindl | email: edv@bartelt.via.at Bartelt Labor- & Datentechnik | bkaindl@netway.at Neufeldweg 42 | phone: +43.316.475328 A-8010 Graz, Austria | fax: +43.316.475328-43