Re: struct socket and peers
Fred Love (
Tue, 01 Jul 1997 17:18:42 -0500
James R. Leu wrote:
> This a "How do I do this in the kernel" question. If there is a better list
> to post to, please give me the address, and I will take my question else
> where.
> With a udp socket (struct socket) how can I tell if it's peer is connected,
> or if there is data waitng to be read.
> It is my understanding that (struct socket*)s->conn is not used with IP
> protocols.
> Thanks
> --
> James R. Leu
Hi James,
UDP is connectionless in nature, you just use the sendto() recvfrom()
calls to send to a remote IP/port or receive from a remote IP/port UDP
socket. This assumes you have already done the work to create the
socket, etc.