>.... Threaded apache on unix
>won't happen for a while, we're hoping to learn from the NT experience.
>There are other arguments for delaying threaded unix code... in particular
>the severe lack of third party libraries that support threading (such
>as dns, various database libraries, perl).
DNS can be a real killer as Netscape has shown. If you are trying to
keep reverse lookups on, piping all the requests down a single channel
backlogs everything majorly. Would spinning off a seperate thread to do
the lookup work?
When you're doing web hosting it's difficult to turn off DNS lookups as
clients want that info in their reports, and most report generator slow
down by a huge amount if you enable lookups. (getstats went from under a
second to 52 minutes on one test I did) The only other solution I've
seen is a hack that preprocesses the log and does the lookups, caching
any results it finds.
-- Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity. GAT d- -p+(--) c++++ l++ u++ t- m--- W--- !v b+++ e* s-/+ n-(?) h++ f+g+ w+++ y*