Re: 2.0.23 finally goes down :(

Jeremy A. Gilbert (
Tue, 8 Jul 1997 11:05:13 -0400 (EDT)

> > Anyone know what might have caused this?
> I just had a 2.1.27 long uptime go haywire on me.. It had about 210days
> on it, and I was very sad to see it reboot (I loved asking people who use
> NT 'whats the longest uptime you've seen?' and gotten 'a week' in return).

I have a patched-2.0.10 up for about 259 days. I've had problems
with sendmail aplenty, but apache and atalkd are still up and happy and
both are taking a light pounding. The machine hasn't been too flaky yet
with one excpetion: I've recently come across a very bizzare problem with
zsh where the termcap seems screwed up. About two weeks ago, something
went wrong. Now when you are presented with a prompt, the first two
characters you type appear as normal, but the rest of them won't appear
until you hit return twice, and then the command is executed. This happens
only on the machine that has been up for 259 days; the same binary (copied
over) and library versions work on all of my other boxes w/o a problem. I
even statically linked the shell executable on a working machine, copied
it over, and it didn't work. Doesn't seem to have anything to do with rc.
files either. Wierd.

If anyone has any ideas, let me know. I hate to reboot the sucker
just because my favorite shell stopped working with the kernel image.

(All of my other shells don't have any problems whatsoever.)

Bootup: Mon Oct 21 11:58:14 1996 Load average: 0.14 0.15 0.10 2/54 16362

user : 4d 2:28:52.57 -1.-6% page in : 132462356 disk 1: 29870248r31776824w
nice : 4d 19:07:49.24 -1.-8% page out: 45498590
system: 4d 5:50:36.09 -1.-6% swap in : 9657982
idle : 246d 19:37:18.74 -99.-2% swap out: 1611316
uptime: -13:-13:-56.-48 context : 1027006619

irq 0: 2147483647 timer irq 8: 0 rtc+
irq 1: 8 keyboard irq 9: 0
irq 2: 0 cascade [4] irq 10: 0
irq 3: 0 irq 11: 61156394 53c7,8xx+
irq 4: 9 irq 12: 0
irq 5: 1100757626 NE2000 irq 13: 1 math error
irq 6: 2 irq 14: 35470925 ide0+
irq 7: 0 irq 15: 0

Jeremy Gilbert +
Webmaster & UNIX Systems Support +
Department of Computer Science +
Brandeis University +