Re: Linux on AMD K6
Lawrence (
Fri, 11 Jul 1997 00:22:47 +1000
linux kernel account wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Jul 1997, Lawrence wrote:
> > 20% cheaper than intel mmx cpu.
> > all intel mmx run at 2.8v core while K6 200 run at 2.9v and 233 run at
> > 3.2v. make sure the motherboard will support it.
> > performance is more and less similar with intel mmx and slower than pII,
> > though AMD said K6 performance comparable with PII, in reality, it is
> > not.
> >
> That isn't true.. Visit There is a bunch of benchmarks between
> those chips.. And at a equal clock rate the K6 Kicks the MMX and (at least
> under 95) comes close to the II.... Also, the K6 is 20% of the MMX price,
> but out performs it.. Compair its price to the II or Pro..
If you look at Tom's page, you have a different story. It may kick the
MMX CPU (not MMX performance), but no way with PII. 686MX does
outperform MMX and K6 and come close to PII.