> It's definitely not very good, though. There is still a major memory leak,
> and it can leak diskspace too (fixed by the fsck that invariably triggers
> at the next reboot, but still a problem).
after applying patch-3+one_liner_from_linus+one_liner_from_bill..
I tried running byte fstime .. it filled 167M of free space and died. Fsck
saved the day again though. Many complaints of deleted inode with 0 dtime.
BYTE UNIX Benchmarks (Version 3.11)
System -- Linux mikeg 2.1.45 #27 Sun Jul 13 06:40:14 MET DST 1997 i586
Start Benchmark Run: Sun Jul 13 07:00:35 MET DST 1997
1 interactive users.
File Read (10 seconds) 252072274943.0 KBps (10 secs, 1 samples)
File Write (10 seconds) 1763000000.0 KBps (10 secs, 1 samples)
File Copy (10 seconds) 8587.0 KBps (10 secs, 1 samples)
File I/O no measured results
Bonnie seemed to work ok.. or at least I didn't *notice* anything unseemly.