'bout this '2.0.31 please'

Marcus B (marcus@cwi.net.au)
Tue, 15 Jul 1997 00:41:42 +1000

I'm only new to this mailing list, and I cant get news groups, but I'm
willing to give 2.0.x a go, but I don't have any info on present BUGS in
pre-2.0.31-2 and I would like to know where this info would come from
(other than this mail list / newsgroup(?)), cause I do have some spare
time on my hands and I would also be interested in puting in some
working 2.1.x features (or is that left to other people?). I don't
really know what people are going on about, if they want to startup
their own group who is going to do the programing if they can't join in
with other people here!

MABS -=marcus@cwi.net.au=-

PS: pre-2.0.31-2 work really well for me!