Re: 'bout this '2.0.31 please'

James R. Leu (
Tue, 15 Jul 1997 17:52:51 -0500 (CDT)

> I'm only new to this mailing list, and I cant get news groups, but I'm
> willing to give 2.0.x a go, but I don't have any info on present BUGS in
> pre-2.0.31-2 and I would like to know where this info would come from
> (other than this mail list / newsgroup(?)), cause I do have some spare
> time on my hands and I would also be interested in puting in some

I to would like to knwo if such a list exists. I may not have all that much
free time, but I knwo my way around the VFS and the IP code pretty good.

I run 2.0.30 and proud of it!!


James R. Leu