A few excerpts:
# 9.2 Publication of the I2O Specification.
# a. Upon the adoption of the I2O Specification Version 1.0 as set forth
# above, the I2O Specification will be made available for public use
# through the use of a reasonable and non-discriminatory licensing
# arrangement as established by the Steering Committee.
Note that the 1.0 specification was adopted in March, according to
/index.html, although 1996 or 1997 is unclear. The non-members' NDA
referenced on the home page is clearly *NOT* "reasonable and
non-discriminatory," as it is solely an evaluation license for the
purpose of contemplating membership, so unless "public" and "members"
are supposed to be the same thing...
I also note
# 11.5 I2O SIG Information. All public disclosures regarding the existence,
# membership and activities of the I2O SIG must be approved by the
# Steering Committee. Public disclosure of any version of the I2O
# Specification shall be subject to the approval by the Steering
# Committee pursuant to terms of this Agreement. However, the I2O SIG's
# general policy shall be to disclose fully, at the agreed-upon time, all
# information relating to the I2O SIG and its activities. If a Member
# shall be required to disclose any information relating to the I2O SIG
# pursuant to a valid order of a court or other government body or any
# political subdivision thereof, the Member shall first give notice to the
# Steering Committee and make a reasonable effort to obtain a protective
# order requiring that any such information so disclosed be used only for
# the purposes for which the order was issued.
# 11.6 Effect of Member Withdrawal. After withdrawal from the I2O SIG for any
# reason, a former Member has no right to disclose any Confidential
# Information of other Members after the date of withdrawal, until such
# time that such Confidential Information becomes non-confidential.
It is clearly anticipated here that only *drafts* of the spec are under NDA.
Then there's the responsibilities of the steering committee:
# 4.1 Steering Committee Responsibilities. The Steering Committee shall manage
# the activities and affairs of the I2O SIG. Except as specifically
# provided in this Agreement, all actions to be voted upon by the
# Contributing Membership shall be proposed and submitted for such vote by
# the Steering Committee.
# The responsibilities of the Steering Committee shall include:
# a. establishing all Working Committees and appointing the chairperson
# thereto;
# b. adopting the I2O Specification and submitting it for adoption by the
# Contributing Membership;
# c. approving the I2O Specification or drafts thereof for limited or
# public release, and submitting such action for approval to the
# Contributing Membership;
# d. managing all I2O Specification adoption and release processes and all
# subsequent revisions to the I2O Specification;
Perhaps before everyone gets all confrontational, someone (Bruce?) with
diplomatic skills can call up the organization and ask the steering
committee to please do its job...
I would like to remind people that flaming is not a good way to persuade
people to be cooperative.
-- -Colin