Re: Kernel cpu selection + other platforms?
david parsons (o.r.c@p.e.l.l.p.o.r.t.l.a.n.d.o.r.u.s)
22 Jul 1997 19:57:15 -0700
In article <>,
Roland Steinbach <> wrote:
>Mike Jagdis wrote:
>> Why? It is pretty easy to recognise all x86 varieties (other than the
>> early 486 clones) at run time and simply Do The Right Thing without
>> asking the user daft questions about whether they have microcode
>> bug #564 or working frozzle optimizations.
>_I_ don't want my settings be controlled by an OS,
Whyever not? Resource management is, after all, why you've got an OS
in the first place.
david parsons \bi/ Too wimpy to code via toggle switches.