> I saw it in "Windows Sources" August 1997 issue. Page 108 third column.
> here's the quote:
> [snip]
> An intersting feature available on the 6x86MX, which has yet to be
> implemented in software is Scratchpad RAM. This tiny 8K block of cache on
> the chip stores small pieces of code locally, rather than in the L2 cache.
> Cyrix promises that this will allow a serious performance boost to any
> instructions an application might post there.
> end quote.
It isn't a special area of "scrathpad RAM". The 6x86MX allows you
to lock down L1 cache lines. This means that the line will never
be discard and hence you will never take a reload hit on the
region of memory it is covering. Of course, you also have one
less line of L1 cache available for general caching too...
-- .----------------------------------------------------------------------. | Mike Jagdis | Internet: mailto:mike@roan.co.uk | | Roan Technology Ltd. | | | 54A Peach Street, Wokingham | Telephone: +44 118 989 0403 | | RG40 1XG, ENGLAND | Fax: +44 118 989 1195 | `----------------------------------------------------------------------'