This is patch which
a) cleans up pnp handling in
b) moves items a little bit - it looks like nonsense to me to have
menu with just one item
c) adds scripts unpatch-kernel, diff-tree (which is non-trivial, if
you do not want to make distclean before every patch), chkver (which
should be there for people like me to check versions automagicaly)
d) makes menuconfig a bit more verbose - I do not like watching blue
screen with text 'preparing config scripts' - reminds me of NT :-)
(Please someone test this with xconfig & report me. Please someone
include this in mainstream kernel :-)
diff -uNr -x .dep* -x .hdep* -x *.[oas] -x *~ -x #* -x *CVS* -x *.orig -x *.rej -x *.old -x .menu* -x asm -x local.h -x -x autoconf.h -x compile.h -x version.h -x .version -x defkeymap.c -x uni_hash.tbl -x zImage -x vmlinu?* -x TAGS -x bootsect -x *RCS* -x conmakehash -x map -x build -x build -x configure -x *target* clean/arch/i386/ linux/arch/i386/
--- clean/arch/i386/ Tue Jun 17 14:28:13 1997
+++ linux/arch/i386/ Thu Jul 24 23:35:31 1997
@@ -4,23 +4,16 @@
mainmenu_name "Linux Kernel Configuration"
-mainmenu_option next_comment
-comment 'Code maturity level options'
bool 'Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers' CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL
mainmenu_option next_comment
-comment 'Loadable module support'
-bool 'Enable loadable module support' CONFIG_MODULES
+comment 'General setup'
+bool 'Loadable modules' CONFIG_MODULES
if [ "$CONFIG_MODULES" = "y" ]; then
bool 'Set version information on all symbols for modules' CONFIG_MODVERSIONS
bool 'Kernel daemon support (e.g. autoload of modules)' CONFIG_KERNELD
-mainmenu_option next_comment
-comment 'General setup'
bool 'Kernel math emulation' CONFIG_MATH_EMULATION
bool 'Networking support' CONFIG_NET
bool 'PCI bios support' CONFIG_PCI
@@ -50,7 +43,15 @@
-source drivers/pnp/
+mainmenu_option next_comment
+comment 'Plug and Play support'
+bool 'Plug and Play support' CONFIG_PNP
+if [ "$CONFIG_PNP" = "y" ]; then
+ source drivers/pnp/
source drivers/block/
diff -uNr -x .dep* -x .hdep* -x *.[oas] -x *~ -x #* -x *CVS* -x *.orig -x *.rej -x *.old -x .menu* -x asm -x local.h -x -x autoconf.h -x compile.h -x version.h -x .version -x defkeymap.c -x uni_hash.tbl -x zImage -x vmlinu?* -x TAGS -x bootsect -x *RCS* -x conmakehash -x map -x build -x build -x configure -x *target* clean/drivers/pnp/ linux/drivers/pnp/
--- clean/drivers/pnp/ Fri Apr 11 21:16:47 1997
+++ linux/drivers/pnp/ Thu Jul 24 23:35:28 1997
@@ -2,15 +2,6 @@
# Plug and Play configuration
-mainmenu_option next_comment
-comment 'Plug and Play support'
-bool 'Plug and Play support' CONFIG_PNP
-if [ "$CONFIG_PNP" = "y" ]; then
- if [ "$CONFIG_PNP_PARPORT" != "n" ]; then
+if [ "$CONFIG_PNP_PARPORT" != "n" ]; then
bool ' Auto-probe for parallel devices' CONFIG_PNP_PARPORT_AUTOPROBE
- fi
diff -uNr -x .dep* -x .hdep* -x *.[oas] -x *~ -x #* -x *CVS* -x *.orig -x *.rej -x *.old -x .menu* -x asm -x local.h -x -x autoconf.h -x compile.h -x version.h -x .version -x defkeymap.c -x uni_hash.tbl -x zImage -x vmlinu?* -x TAGS -x bootsect -x *RCS* -x conmakehash -x map -x build -x build -x configure -x *target* clean/scripts/Menuconfig linux/scripts/Menuconfig
--- clean/scripts/Menuconfig Fri Apr 11 21:16:52 1997
+++ linux/scripts/Menuconfig Thu Jul 24 23:28:21 1997
@@ -629,12 +629,14 @@
# Parse all the files into mini scripts.
function parse_config_files () {
+ echo -n "."
rm -f MCmenu*
echo "function MCmenu0 () {" >MCmenu0
echo 'default=$1' >>MCmenu0
echo "menu_name 'Main Menu'" >>MCmenu0
+ echo -n "."
if [ "_$single_menu_mode" = "_TRUE" ]
@@ -657,6 +659,7 @@
for i in MCmenu*
+ echo -n "."
source ./$i
@@ -1188,22 +1191,17 @@
if [ -f $DEFAULTS ]
- echo "#"
- echo "# Using defaults found in" $DEFAULTS
- echo "#"
+ echo "Using defaults found in" $DEFAULTS
load_config_file $DEFAULTS
- echo "#"
- echo "# No defaults found"
- echo "#"
+ echo "No defaults found"
# Fresh new log.
-$DIALOG --backtitle "$backtitle" \
- --infobox "Preparing configuration scripts..." 3 40
+echo -n "Preparing configuration scripts: version"
# Check kernel version of previous menuconfig build.
@@ -1222,6 +1220,7 @@
if [ "$rebuildsound" ]
+ echo -n ", sound"
# Activate the Linux compatible sound configuration.
# This may not work for all sound cards. (See sound docs)
@@ -1231,13 +1230,16 @@
# Load the functions used by the files.
+echo -n ", functions"
# Read files and parse them into one shell function per menu.
+echo -n " , parsing"
parse_config_files $CONFIG_IN
+echo "done."
# Start the ball rolling from the top.
diff -uNr -x .dep* -x .hdep* -x *.[oas] -x *~ -x #* -x *CVS* -x *.orig -x *.rej -x *.old -x .menu* -x asm -x local.h -x -x autoconf.h -x compile.h -x version.h -x .version -x defkeymap.c -x uni_hash.tbl -x zImage -x vmlinu?* -x TAGS -x bootsect -x *RCS* -x conmakehash -x map -x build -x build -x configure -x *target* clean/scripts/chkver linux/scripts/chkver
--- clean/scripts/chkver Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
+++ linux/scripts/chkver Thu Jul 24 23:46:31 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# This script was created by Pavel Machek <>
+# to check versions of critical pieces of software (mostly for compatibility
+# with new and new kernel versions). I decided to write this after I hunted
+# bug in linux memory managment, which was not there. It was too old linker
+# causing problems.
+# I would like Linus to include this to kernel distribution ;-)
+# Imagine how nice & simple this program could be if every other program
+# responded to <name> --version with exactly one line containing version
+# in form AA.BB.CC... The dirtiest piece here is getting version out of
+# sysvinit...
+function getnum
+ {
+ head -1 | sed 's/.*[^0-9.]\([0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9.]*\)[^0-9.].*/\1/g'
+ }
+function cmp
+ {
+ echo -n $1 " "
+ VER=start`eval $2`end
+ VER=`echo $VER | getnum`
+ T1=${VER}.
+ T2=${3}.
+ echo -n "... "
+# echo "($T1), ($T2)"
+ while [ "x$T1" != "x" -a "x$T2" != "x" ]
+ do
+ H1=${T1%%.*}
+ H2=${T2%%.*}
+ T1=${T1#*.}
+ T2=${T2#*.}
+ if [ $H1 -gt $H2 ]; then echo ok.; return; fi
+ if [ $H1 -lt $H2 ]; then
+ echo "OLD: $VER present, $3 required";
+ if [ .$HALT = .y ]; then
+ echo "***"
+ echo "*** Using old gcc and/or old binutils, you can build"
+ echo "*** nicely looking, partly-running kernels crashing"
+ echo "*** after 30minutes after boot (happend to me)."
+ echo "***"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ return;
+ fi
+ done
+ echo ok.
+ }
+echo Checking versions of some utilities...
+if [ ".$1" = ".s" ]; then HALT=y; fi
+cmp gcc 'gcc --version' 2.7.2
+cmp binutils "ld --version"
+if [ ".$1" != ".s" ]
+ then
+ cmp libc 'ls -l /lib/* | sed s/.* | sort -r | head -1' 5.4.23
+ if [ -e /usr/lib/ ]
+ then
+ cmp libc++ 'ls -l /usr/lib/* | sed s/.* | sort -r | head -1'
+ else
+ echo libc++ - not present here
+ fi
+ cmp 'dynamic linker' "ldd -v | getnum" 1.8.5
+ cmp procps "ps --version | getnum" 1.01
+ if [ "$USER" = root ]
+ then
+ cmp sysvinit 'strings `egrep -li INIT_VERSION=sysvinit- /proc/*/environ | head -1` | egrep -i INIT_VERSION=sysvinit-' 2.69
+ else
+ echo "sysvinit - must be root"
+ fi
+ cmp mount 'mount --version 2>&1' 2.6
+ cmp loadkeys 'loadkeys -h 2>&1' 0.91
+ cmp "modules" "/sbin/insmod -V 2>&1 | grep -i version" 2.1.34
+ fi
+# New Changes no longer mention rpm
+#if which rpm > /dev/null
+# then
+# cmp "rpm" 'rpm --version | getnum'
+# else
+# echo rpm - not present here
+# fi
diff -uNr -x .dep* -x .hdep* -x *.[oas] -x *~ -x #* -x *CVS* -x *.orig -x *.rej -x *.old -x .menu* -x asm -x local.h -x -x autoconf.h -x compile.h -x version.h -x .version -x defkeymap.c -x uni_hash.tbl -x zImage -x vmlinu?* -x TAGS -x bootsect -x *RCS* -x conmakehash -x map -x build -x build -x configure -x *target* clean/scripts/diff-tree linux/scripts/diff-tree
--- clean/scripts/diff-tree Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
+++ linux/scripts/diff-tree Thu Jul 24 23:46:31 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+diff -uNr -x '.dep*' -x '.hdep*' -x '*.[oas]' -x '*~' -x '#*' -x '*CVS*' -x '*.orig' -x '*.rej' -x '*.old' -x '.menu*' -x asm -x local.h -x '' -x autoconf.h -x compile.h -x version.h -x .version -x defkeymap.c -x uni_hash.tbl -x zImage -x vmlinu?* -x TAGS -x bootsect -x '*RCS*' -x conmakehash -x map -x build -x build -x configure -x '*target*' $1 $2
Binary files clean/scripts/lxdialog/lxdialog and linux/scripts/lxdialog/lxdialog differ
diff -uNr -x .dep* -x .hdep* -x *.[oas] -x *~ -x #* -x *CVS* -x *.orig -x *.rej -x *.old -x .menu* -x asm -x local.h -x -x autoconf.h -x compile.h -x version.h -x .version -x defkeymap.c -x uni_hash.tbl -x zImage -x vmlinu?* -x TAGS -x bootsect -x *RCS* -x conmakehash -x map -x build -x build -x configure -x *target* clean/scripts/unpatch-kernel linux/scripts/unpatch-kernel
--- clean/scripts/unpatch-kernel Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
+++ linux/scripts/unpatch-kernel Thu Jul 24 23:46:31 1997
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+find . -name "*.orig" -exec sh -c 'mv {} `echo {} | sed s/\.orig//`' \;
-- I'm really Pavel Look at ;-).