> i'm trying to set up a machine to respond to two IP addresses so that i
> can run one machine hosting two hostnames. i found a HowTo which deals
> with virtual-hosting, but i can't get ifconfig to respond in the way the
> HowTo describes.
> ifconfig eth0 alias www.myNewHostName.com
> returns an error telling me that "alias" is an unknown host....
Ask on linux-net or linux-admin...this isn't a kernel issue.
The answer is, you can't use the above syntax without hacked ifconfig.
For everyone else, on linux, compile the kernel with CONFIG_NET_ALIAS and
ifconfig eth0:n alias-n.address.com up
route add -host alias-n.address.com dev eth0:n
repeat for n in 0-whatever number you like.
Jon Lewis <jlewis@fdt.net> | Unsolicited commercial e-mail will
Network Administrator | be proof-read for $199/message.
Florida Digital Turnpike |
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