Unlike the PPRO it can't handle more than 512MB. Not that
much of a problem as Linux-86 can only handle slightly less
than 1GB according to a recent thread here. See
<http://www.heise.de/ct/art_ab97/9708020/> if you understand
German. The problem is the level 2 cache, which corrupts
data for machines with more than 512MB. If you switch off
the 2nd level cache it works, but is dog slow. Just switching
off the 2nd level cache above 512MB doesn't work, as it then
switches off the 1st level cache, too, for that area.
It's pretty much impossible to find a 586 chipset that can
cache more than 512MB (see another article in the paper
version of the same magazine, c't 8/97), so if you need more
you need either a PPro or a RISC processor.
-- Erik Corry erik@arbat.com http://inet.uni-c.dk/~ehcorry/