> jlewis@inorganic5.fdt.net (Jon Lewis) writes:
> > crash:~$ uptime ; uname -a
> > 12:11am up 259 days, 9:35, 1 user, load average: 0.02, 0.17, 0.14
> > Linux crash 2.0.25 #6 Wed Nov 13 17:11:18 EST 1996 i486
> I have a 2.0.27 (I think) machine (coincidentally also known as crash)
> coming up to ~230 days. Is there anything I can do to help track
> this down?
I was able to kill and restart updated without rebooting...so its up to
261 days now. If you have the disk space, it might be interesting to
start strace on update around 250 days, and see if anything odd pops up in
Jon Lewis <jlewis@fdt.net> | Unsolicited commercial e-mail will
Network Administrator | be proof-read for $199/message.
Florida Digital Turnpike |
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