Hmm. totally shafted? just that?
Seem DaveM and Eric Schenk fixed a ton of bugs. What remains/have been added
at the same time? We've seen quiet some oops report with tcp_recv_from
in the call trace. I also read DaveM suspecting the Syn-cookie code.
What else?
> > 1) ask the driver maintainer for the latest stable driver patch against
> > 2.0.31 when it is released, or...
> The new tulip should be in the 2.0.31 kernel.
> > 2) go purchase hardware that is known to be supported.
> Not possible, the only chip that the old old driver supported is
> replaced now.
> > 2.0 tree. Security and fatal bug fixes *only*. other than that 2.0
> > supports what it supports and you should wait for 2.2/3.0 to include new
> > hardware support.
> Both the AHA29xx and tulip are pretty fatal if you have these boards. Neither
> of these are "new things" they are bug fixes. Also just about everyone with
> a tulip is already using the new driver.
What about the huge usage of kernel stack of the AHA29xx driver?
Fixed in new release of the driver, or still the same ?
> Alan
-- Philippe Strauss <>Homepage & PGP key:
"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." -- Albert Einstein