> I am trying to build a v2.0.0 kernel (first ever kernel build) and I have
> successfully progressed as far as the Makefile in arch/i386, whereupon we
> find OBJDUMP_FLAGS=-k -q. The problem is that the version of binutils I
> am running (2.8.0) does not recognise these flags. So which version ought I
> to have, as I notice that these flags are the same in the v2.1.26 kernel
> which I was playing with too!
This probably should belong to some FAQ list...
The 2.0 kernels autodetect objdump version by checking whether there is
a "encaps" command or not. People upgrading from old binutils usually install
the new utilities, but they don't know that encaps has vanished and don't
delete it and it confuses the kernel makefiles a lot. The solution is simple:
delete encaps and it should work fine.
Have a nice fortnight
-- Martin `MJ' Mares <mj@gts.cz> http://atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~mj/ Faculty of Math and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Rep., Earth "return(ENOTOBACCO); /* Read on an empty pipe */"