> I would like to implement timers that allow to go to sleep for a shorter
> time than a hundredth of second (which is the unit of jiffies).
> I know I could use udelay() function, but I must say that I don't really
> want to, because I think udelay() blocks the whole kernel when
> working...
> I am highly frustrated because I have a Pentium Pro 200, and I don't
> really see how to be more accurate than hundredth of seconds...
> Could anyone help me ?
redefine HZ to 1000 in param.h, and there you go 1 millisec sleeping
interval. I've used a P5-100MHz once with HZ==10000, so there is alot of
space. Generally, the timer interrupt takes ~5-10 usecs, so 1000 should be
absolutely safe on your box.
also, there is a custom patch around, that tweaks the PC timer chip to get
microsecond accurate (optional) timers.
-- mingo