Re: Msdos name alias patch for 2.1.48
Andrew E. Mileski (
Tue, 12 Aug 1997 01:55:57 -0400 (EDT)
> > The OSTA-UDF(tm) filesystem I'm working on supports compressed Unicode.
> > Basically, the first byte is a flag inidcating how to expand the following
> > bytes:
> > 8 = high byte is 0 and low byte is from data stream
> > 16 = high byte is followed by low byte in the data stream
> > By the ISO standards, this is CS0 or a character set defined by agreement.
> Not yet another Unicode encoding format?! What's wrong with
> UTF-8? Not Invented Here?
UTF-8 maps Unicode to a font as Unicode does not specify how a character
appears, but rather Unicode differentiates characters from each other.
Andrew E. Mileski