I'm reporting that my Linux box running 2.1.50/x86 just froze
without warning or logging. It had been running for over a day, under
moderate multi-user network load. This morning when I awoke, my logs
indicated that crond caused a GPF, and then at about 23:30 this evening I
tried stopping crond with a SysV init-style script to make sure it wasn't
running before I started it again. I ran the script twice, which just
checks to see if crond is running, and stops it if it is. With the second
invocation, the machine froze solid. I was in X listening to an audio CD
at the time, with Communicater 4 running, gvim and a half-dozen idle
B. James Phillippe <bryan@Terran.ORG>
UNIX, Linux, networks, programming, etc.
NIC:BJP4 # http://w3.terran.org/~bryan