Re: patch for 2.1.50 isofs unable to read de past end of block error
Sun, 17 Aug 97 13:48:17 +0200
>> but get_hardblocksize(dev) forces this to 2048. So the directory name=
>s on the=20
>> CD do span native 2k buffers. This is the i386 directory of the NT4.=
>0 Server=20
>> CD. Does the standard actually say entries can't span native buffers=
>? I know=20
>> how wonderfully closely Microsoft likes to stick to standards...
>AFAIK spanning sectors is okay, as long as all descriptors start
>at byte 0 of a sector. If I'm wrong, please point it out (I have
>the ISO9660 standard here, but it is pretty poory written IMHO).
>- --
>Andrew E. Mileski
I have also at least 1 CD-R which gives:
kernel: Directory entry extends past end of iso9660 block
this is on both 2.1.41 and 2.1.50.
Managed to dig up a 2.0.18 kernel which reads the CD-R fine (as well as
plain DOS)
Looks like at least some CD-R software is spanning sectors and the current
kernel is not handling this correctly. (Note that the symlink patch on
2.1.50 is not helping since this CD-R doesn't use RR extensions)
Ruud Linders