> I currently am running RedHat 4.2 kernel 2.0.30 with a K6 200. I do only
> have 32M (fpram) . My machiene runs fine. I have compiled for pentium ,
> and PPro. Both kernels work <for me> , I was just interested to find out
> if one could compile with K5/K6 optimization (including kernal). Please
> let me know as I am just a lowly user. Thank you for your time and
> effort.
I don't think it matters. The current GCC doesn't know much at all
beyond how to optimize for a 486, and I don't think the kernel adds
any model-specific optimizations going from the Pentium to the PPro.
--Joel Squire <squire@colorado.edu> CCAR Systems Administrator Ph (303) 492-1308 FAX (303) 492-2825 University of Colorado, Boulder