On Thu, 21 Aug 1997, Robey Pointer wrote:
> Mr. James W. Laferriere Network Engineer wrote:
> > On Thu, 21 Aug 1997, Robey Pointer wrote:
> > > Mr. James W. Laferriere Network Engineer wrote:
> > > > Well I must be the only guy on the block who misses the
> > > > announcements.....
> > > I don't think they're announced. I used to think I was missing a bunch
> > > of announcements too, but I've realized that it's pretty rare that
> > > they're announced. Note for example that 2.1.50 and 2.1.51 were both
> > > released with no announcement either...
> > >
> > > There are several mailing lists which will send you an automated email
> > > each time a new kernel is released -- for example,
> > > kdist@linux.kernel.org.
> >
> > Please find below an excerpt from an announcement from that
> > very mail-list for the 2.1.51 Release. And below that
> > the announcement for those mailing lists .
> > I have been subscribed too linux-kernel-announce for sometime.
> Sorry, I was confusing. What I meant is that there are usually no
> *human* announcements for new kernels. Usually the automated email
> (with the diff count) is the only "announcement" there is. It seems
> pretty rare that Linus actually posts "Hey everyone, there's a new
> kernel!" :)
I was also being non-definitive, The pre-patches for
2.0.the-boring were the announcements I was speaking about.
Linus, pre-3 upto pre-6 had announced that a change was to be had
and where. Then pow pre-7 and no word anywhere.
Oh-Well I'll just drop into ftp.kernel.org everyday to see
if there is a new 'pre' or a new kernel.
> The human announcements, when we get them, are the most helpful to me,
> because humans can explain the changes better than an auto-diff. ie,
> "Hey everyone, there's a new kernel, 2.9.105 which is mostly ISDN
> changes, and I rewrote the ext5 filesystem so make backups before trying
> it!"
Yes, I too find a little description of the changes from
.*-1 to .* a very helpful feature of the manual/human
intervened announcements.
Tia, JimL
| James W. Laferriere - Network Engineer - babydr@nwrain.net |
| System Techniques - 25416 - 22nd S. - Kent, WA 98032 |
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