I'm seeing an alarming frequency of lockups and spontaneous
reboots under kernels from 2.1.48 -> 2.1.51. Specifically, 2.1.51 seems
to Oops on dillon crond after a few hours, then freezes with little
agitation (logging in, restarting crond, etc). 2.1.48 does not seem to
Oops, but instead reboots spontaneously about once every day. These
nuisances occur even if the box is started and left otherwise untouched.
Is anyone else having these kinds of problems? If so, I'd like to see if
there is a common thread we share.
B. James Phillippe <bryan@Terran.ORG>
UNIX, Linux, networks, programming, etc.
NIC:BJP4 # http://w3.terran.org/~bryan