Re: UTF-8, OSTA-UDF [why?], Unicode, and miscellaneous gibberis
Svein Erik Brostigen (
26 Aug 1997 17:26:06 Z
Kai Henningsen wrote:
> (Svein Erik Brostigen) wrote on
> 22.08.97 in <"15307 97/08/22
> 10:34*/c=no/admd=telemax/prmd=okpost/o=ksr/s=Brostigen/g=SveinErik/"@MHS>:
> > If I understand correctly, all these uses their own type of encoding
> > and those are of course not easily converted/adopted from one language to
> > another. Our main problem is then to find a way to unify all these
> encodings
> > and Unicode is an attempt to do so and according to some here, have
> > utterly in doing so.
> For every solution, some people will claim this. That doesn't mean it's
> true. In this case, it isn't.
> MfG Kai
Well, I will no take any side in this matter. I am just concerned with
finding the *best* <G> solution to a problem. The temperature is rising with
a tremendous speed in this thread now...
I, for one, would love to be able tohave both japanese,korean, thai and
norwegian characters on the screen at the saem time and without any tricky
stuff to make this possible. It should just be as natural as it is to read
andwrite this :)
Happy fighting!
Med vennlig hilsen/Best Regards
Svein Erik Brostigen
Spesialkonsulent/Special Consultant
X400 : G=sveinerik;S=brostigen;O=ksr;P=okpost;A=telemax;C=no;
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