We cannot be certain about the cause of the original corruption
(short file, maybe -- download failed without telling you?).
> After the reboot and fsck, the communicator tarball was corrupted again
Mmm.. filesystem corruption could have caused the second failure,
or maybe something flakey in the I/O cabling or PIO settings.. ??
> Then I tried to
> tar cfv /u/tarball.tar /usr/src/linux/
> cp /u/tarball.tar /u2/
> diff /u/tarball.tar /u2/tarball.tar
> and no diffs.
Note: The diff is probably just diff'ing from memory,
regardless of what actually got written to the drive.
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/u2/a1 bs=1048576 count=40
> cp /u2/a1 /u/
> diff /u/a1 /u2/a1
> and no diffs.
Ditto, unless you have less than 40Meg memory.
For this type of test, reboot before doing the diff
if you want to *really* test things.
> kernel hdx msgs:
> hda: QUANTUM LPS270A, ATA DISK drive
> hdb: ST51080A, ATA DISK drive
> hdc: ST32132A, ATA DISK drive
> hdd: LTN106A, ATAPI CDROM drive
If it still corrupts when copied to disk, try copying it around
a few times, and then reboot before doing a "diff".
-- mlord@pobox.com The Linux IDE guy