I have a 486DX-100 (PC/104 format) computer with 8Meg of RAM, 16Meg swap
partition and *everytime* after I load redhat-4.2 and I reboot and go
to build a custom kernel simply doing...
tar -xvzf linux-2.0.30.tar.gz locks the machine up solid about half way
through the untarring.
I know 2.0.30 (as bundled in redhat-4.2 has some serious memory errors)
but even if I compile a 2.0.30+pre-patch-7 or even a 2.0.29 or 2.0.27
kernel on another machine and then use that kernel on the 486DX-100
tar -xvzf linux-2.0.30.tar.gz
still locks the whole machine up solid.
no oopses, nothing spewed to the log files, nothing, not even
works on the box.
Can anybody tell me why this happening? I can't seem to get around it.
Its especially a pain in the ass since I'm scheduled to meet with a
PC/104 company tomorrow to see if linux will run on there hardware but
it'll be a waste of my time if linux just locks up again. (And it will
look bad for linux :-(
anyways, please help me out with any ideas if you can.
- Jeff
--J E F F W I E G L E Y W 3 - d e s i g n, I n c.phone: (310) 815-1177 x 307 fax:(310) 815-1133