> > Files or directories created on a vfat system from linux, and
> > containing characters like "ø" (ø) are incorrectly stored. =
> The
> > long filename is "Døll", while linux incorrectly stores the short
> > filename as "D°LL", rather than the correct "DØLL".
> >
> > linux 2.0.29, fat32-0.2.7
> It depends... It depends on current charset. And since kernel should
> not known about charsets (what if I plug your disc in my computer?),
> this is hard. _TOO_ hard.
It should not be too hard to preserve the bit-representation of the
names of the files being copied. I.e. the following sequence should
not produce bad filenames:
(cd /dosc; tar cvf - .)|(cd /linux-nfs-mounted-dir; tar xvf -)
rm -rf /dosc
(cd /linux-nfs-mounted-dir; tar cvf - .)|(cd /dosc; tar xvf -)
> BTW where to get fat32 patch?
-- Rune Frøysa