
Mike Slemmer (mike@hades.xcom.com)
Wed, 17 Sep 1997 13:28:49 -0700

I'm interested in a kernel patch which, like md, talks to multiple block
devices, but does
disk-mirroring. Does such a thing exist?

My look at the code indicates that it _might_ be easy to implement with a
that copies the linear md code but instead of md_map-ping the block to a
different sector,
it simply tells the caller to write it to two devices.

I also am interested in figuring out a way to boot from hard disk 2 if hd1 has
a hardware
failure. This may be impossible w/o floppy booting and then transferring
control to a hard
disk. I'd rather not introduce a floppy into the system (obviously, I'm trying
to create a
fail-safe system that no one ever has to physically do anything to).

Any thoughts on the disk-mirroring patch or changing which hd gets booted
would be greatly appreciated.

Mike Slemmer