I hadn't thought of it before, but hda has only been in use for a short
time. I probably used mke2fs 1.10 to format all the partitions on it.
The reason I used an older mke2fs yesterday is that that's what I happened
to have on the Xdenu setup I use for stuff like this. The other
partitions on hdb were probably formatted with mke2fs 1.06. I don't
understand the details of what fs/ext2/super.c is doing, but I hypothesize
that it is only compatible with recent versions of your ext2 utilities
(thank you). I will try reformatting /dev/hdb1 with a recent mke2fs and
report on how it goes.
Trevor Johnson
Theodore Y. Ts'o wrote:
> Trevor,
> Given that both e2fsck and mount were comaplaining that all of
> your /dev/hdb* partitions didn't contain a valid e2fsck filesystem
> (at least until you reformatted /dev/hdb1), the first thing that I would
> be suspicious of is that your partition table might have gotten
> scrambled.