WWW-Linux Resource Exchange

Andrew B. Cramer (cramer@ns.falconweb.com)
Mon, 6 Oct 1997 22:17:29 -0600

Falcon Communications Group is pleased to announce the release of:

The Linux Resource Exchange - Web Site.

This web site is designed to become a comprehensive collection of Linux

Currently the site consists of:

Linux Kernel Patches (as they are submitted),
Searchable Linux Howto's,
Linux Faq's,
Linux Compared to Other Operating Systems,
Linux on Workstations,
Linux Distributions links with synopsis,
and Major Linux Links.

Please come visit and let us know how we can improve the site to better
represent Linux. Also, If you have developed patches to the linux kernel (stable
or developmental), please submit your patch so it can be included into our
collection . Please Note: (linuxrx@falconweb.com) is NOT subscribed as a user to
any lists, please email comments directly to (linuxrx@falconweb.com)

Thank you,

The Linux Resource Exchange
Andrew B. Cramer <cramer@falconweb.com> <http://www.falconweb.com>
Member - HTML Writers Guild - Netware Users International
'If you don't have time to do it right, when are you going to find time to do it over?'