Re: Security hole in linux-2.0.31-pre9 (NFS related)

Rogier Wolff (
Wed, 8 Oct 1997 08:20:51 +0200 (MET DST)

Hubert Mantel wrote:
> Hello,
> I just discovered the following behaviour:
> Given the following file:
> Mandelbrot:/home/alex/mantel/Kernel # l test
> -rw------- 1 mantel suse 149 Oct 7 16:09 test
> The file is on a NFS-mounted filesystem with root_squash, so root cannot
> read the file:
> Mandelbrot:/home/alex/mantel/Kernel # cat test
> cat: test: I/O error

Here it goes out to the server that refuses the information. This goes
wrong after the local permission checks have been done, so that's why
you get "I/O error".

> Mandelbrot:/home/alex/mantel/Kernel # cat test
> cat: test: Permission denied

and here it uses the cached permissions on the client. These seem to
now reflect the "permission denied" that the server sent on the first

> Now, after the owner has read the file on the same machine, it is readable
> by root afterwards:
> Mandelbrot:/home/alex/mantel/Kernel # cat test
> blabla

This is a "local" permission check, which allows root-access. Then the
server is not bothered, as the info is still in the cache. This is a
disatvantage of caching, and allowing "local" permission checks.

Is this really a security problem? Root can already do:
"su mantel -c cat test"
If a security fix requires a hacker to type 13 more characters,
it is not worth it.

The server has a "root-squash" option to protect the server against
an attack from "root at an nfs client". This root-squash option
prevents the root-on-the-client from generating setuid-root binaries
on a server-local filesystem, and from writing root-owned files.


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