Re: FIC PA-2007 (Offtopic)
teunis (
Fri, 10 Oct 1997 09:59:26 -0600 (MDT)
> Sorry for the slightly off topic post, but I was just wondering if anyone
> has had any experience with the FIC PA-2007 ?
> It uses the VIA Apollo VP2 chipset, which supports SDRAM ECC Ultra DMA and
> all the bells and whistles.. and even comes with a 1M cache, and will
> cache 512M of ram (I read somewhere.. think it was sysdoc.pair).
> I'm gonna be upgrading my box soon, and can't decide between the this or
> ye old ASUS PT55T2P4. It'd be an easy choice, but I don't know how
> reliable the FIC MB's are, and am wondering if anyone has any experience
> with them.
Our company swears by 'em. They're nice MB's.
I'm not sure how they compare with ASUS though.
(and we've never tested the SDRAM capability much... but it seems to be
Ok. Every computer ran W-95 though so YMMV)
had a problem with a 2005 and a Cyclades card though - don't know if the
problem would be there with 2007.
G'day, eh? :)
- Teunis
(am techie and 'net gateway sysadm here)